Home Town Council Have Your Say

Have Your Say

How to take part in a Town Council meeting

Speaking at a meeting

Each meeting agenda has a section called ‘Public Participation’, where you can get involved and speak, tell the meeting something or ask questions. It is usually Item 3 on the agenda.

Chipping Norton Town Council is committed to community engagement and encourages members of the public to participate in its meetings. This policy sets out the framework for public participation, ensuring that it is conducted in an orderly and respectful manner in line with the Council’s standing orders, specifically standing order 3.i-j.

Public Participation at Meetings

Members of the public have the right to attend Town Council meetings and are encouraged to do so. The Town Council values public input and provides opportunities for public participation under the following guidelines:

Procedures for Public Participation

Public Participation Sessions:

Public participation sessions will be included as an agenda item at all Town Council and Committee meetings. These sessions are typically held at the beginning of the meeting and are limited to 15 minutes unless extended at the discretion of the Chair.

Speaking at Meetings:

Members of the public may speak during the public participation session. Each speaker is allowed to speak once for a maximum of five minutes. The Chair may allow additional time at their discretion.

It is desirable for members of the public to inform the Town Clerk of their intention to speak and indicate the specific agenda item they wish to address ahead of the meeting. This enables the office to gather any relevant information to help members provide as full a response as possible.

Speakers must address their comments to the Chair. Members of the Town Council may respond to points raised but are not obligated to do so.

Order and Conduct:

All remarks must be respectful and relevant to the item under discussion. Offensive or defamatory comments will not be tolerated.

The Chair has the authority to direct a member of the public to stop speaking if their comments are not appropriate or if they exceed the time limit.

Written Statements:

Members of the public who are unable to attend the meeting but wish to make a statement can submit their comments in writing to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. Written statements will be read out during the public participation session, subject to the same time limitations.

General rules for a meeting

  • Please switch off your phone. 
  • Don’t interrupt speakers or speak during the Councillors’ debate. 
  • Don’t hold conversations with other members of the public during meetings. 
  • The Chair will ask anyone who becomes disruptive during the meeting to leave. ​

Public filming, recording and broadcasting of meetings

The public may record, film, and broadcast publicly accessible meetings of Grange Town Council and its committees, and may use digital and social media recording tools (for example: Twitter, blogging); but the following conditions apply.

  • The activity must not disrupt the meeting.
  • The rights (for instance, under the Data Protection Act 1998) of those being filmed, recorded or broadcast must be respected.
  • Any claims or other liabilities arising from the filming, recording, or broadcasting lies with those carrying it out – not with the Town Council.
  • Any editing must not lead to possible misinterpretation of the proceedings, or infringe the core values of the Council (such as editing in such a way that may ridicule, or show lack of respect to those being filmed or recorded).
  • The Town Council may photograph, film, record, or broadcast meetings, and may use or dispose of material following its own procedures.
  • These guidelines apply to everyone, whether or not they have not read them.
  • No-one may film or record meetings or parts of meetings from which the press and public are excluded.
  • The Chair can stop the meeting and take appropriate action if these guidelines are not followed.

Any other questions or comments

Should you have any questions or comments to ask the Town Council, but do not wish to speak at a meeting, please get in contact with us below.

The Guildhall, Market Place, Chipping Norton, OX7 5NJ
01608 642341

Individual Town Councillors are also contactable via email should you have a specific topic you wish to discuss:

21 March 2022
Last Updated
24 July 2024