There are three Councils serving the area – Oxfordshire County Council, West Oxfordshire District Council and Chipping Norton Town Council.
Each Council provides different services.

Chipping Norton Town Council has specific responsibility for the following:
The William Fowler Allotments (as Corporate Trustee)
Recreation Facilities:
- Cotswold Gate
- Cotswold Crescent
- New Street play
- Cornish Road
Christmas Lights
War Memorial
Closed Churchyard at St Mary’s Church
Greystones Recreation Ground
Pool Meadow
West Oxfordshire District Council is responsible for the following:
Environmental Services (Noise, Pest Control)
Recycling and Refuse Collection
Street Cleaning/Dealing with Fly Tipping
Licensing, Markets and Street Trading
Oxfordshire County Council is responsible for the following:
Registration of births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships
Highways, including potholes, overhanging vegetation, signage and gritting
Ways to report or apply:
Ways to report or apply:
Highways, transport and parking issues:
Licensing and events
Fly Tipping