Home News Council News Coronavirus – A message from your Town Councillors and the Guildhall Team – UPDATE

Coronavirus – A message from your Town Councillors and the Guildhall Team – UPDATE

A message from Chipping Norton Town Councillors and the team at the Guildhall.
The people of Chipping Norton have always looked after each other. We are a town that is very fortunate in this regard – we already are a close-knit, friendly and supportive community, and these traits are needed now more than ever.
As time passes, this new situation will become the new normal and we will have to face countless small and large unforeseen challenges –as a town we will do this by helping each other.
Please show particular sensitivity and thoughtfulness for those that may already have been socially isolated, who may have depended for social contact on a trip to the shops, or a chat on the street. Families and individuals that are living on very low wages or no wages will be extremely worried about their welfare; as will those with mental health issues. The hundreds of carers living amongst us, who already give their all to others may not take the time to think about their own wellbeing. In all these cases we, as a community, will know and we will learn, as the weeks go by, how to rally ‘round and to support in smart and specific ways.
Below are some answers to specific questions about the Town Council and also some useful links for you to follow for more advice.

Are the Town Council offices still open?
The Town Council offices are closed for public access, but staff are still working. The best way to contact us is by calling: 01608 642341 or email cntc@btconnect.com . We will also put updates on the www.chippingnortontowncouncil.co.uk and on Facebook and Twitter.

Is the Town Council still working?
In line with government advice all council meetings, the Annual Town Meeting and the committee meetings have been suspended. The Town Council is now setting up a system of delegation so it can respond to urgent matters, and matters that it has a routine duty to respond to, for example, planning matters and consultations. The government may be bringing forward powers, as a matter of urgency, to allow Town Councils to meet virtually.

Can I contact the Town Councillors if I need help?
Yes, follow the link here https://www.chippingnortontowncouncil.co.uk/council/councillors/
for Town Councillors. Some of us are self-isolating but we can direct any enquiries to fellow councillors, if we are not able to help.

For government advice: www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response
If you are unsure about your medical condition or those of others:
follow the NHS advice here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

For excellent local support:

If you are elderly: Age UK have very good information for you here:
https://www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/coronavirus/coronavirus/ and Age UK Oxfordshire can be called on 01865 411 288. They have a new telephone support service including a friendly, regular weekly call to see how people are and offer advice if needed.

For advice and tips about how to talk to children about Coronavirus:

For advice for employees and employment:

For regular updates from Public Health England https://https://publichealthmatters.blog.gov.uk/2020/03/04/coronavirus-covid-19-5-things-you-can-do-to-protect-yourself-and-your-community/
Please note that Citizens Advice Oxfordshire West Oxfordshire (Advice line 0300 330 9049) has issued a notice about its restricted services during this time. Previously booked appointments will now be changed to telephone consultations. Advice can also be found at: citizensadvicewestoxon.org
Please also note that West Oxfordshire District Council – Customer access points are closed until further notice. Please use the online service www.westoxon.gov.uk or call 01993 861000. Payments can be made using the 24-hour payments line on 01993 861045.

20 March 2020
Last Updated
12 October 2023